All teachers must follow these rules.

1. Give targeeb on doing salaam coming in and going out of class. evening duas etc.
2. Due to child safety issue, teachers to try and get to Madrasah before 4.55pm.
3. Mut`ala should be done in advance; all books should be up to date.
4. Black and simple jabbas for Apas.
5. All classes must be kept clean at all times.
6. Pray ending dua before home time.
7. Students not to be sent out into corridor as punishment at any time.
8. Make sure girl’s dupattas and burkas are decent size, no scarves.
9. Tarbiyat is as important as sabak.
10. Teach manner of speaking, eating and drinking.
11. Teachers will be held responsible for student messing around out of class during Madrasah time.
12. Teachers not to approach parents directly or indirectly.
13. Do not address the students abusively.
14. Do not use any foul language, Address them with respect.
15. Students should be taught with love not fear.
16. Attention should be paid towards the makhraj and tajweed in quran.
17. Students should be encouraged and praised for good work, reprimanded for misbehaviour.
18. Students must not be given lines, or be made to stand up in class for long periods of time.

Note: Remember student’s time is AMAANAT. Any personal things to be done outside of Madrasah time.

  1.  I certify that the information on this form is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge. I am not on list 99, disqualified from work with children, or subject to sanctions imposed by a regulatory body.
  2.  I understand my responsibility to safeguard children and am aware that i am required to notify the head teacher of anything that may affect my suitability.
  3.  I give permission for you to contact my previous employers, police and DBS to share information about my suitability to care for children.
  4.  I certify that the best of my knowledge all the information I have given is correct. I understand that by deliberately giving false or incomplete information i may be suspended from duty and may be liable to summary dismissal with possible referral to the police.
  5. I also understand that, the information from this form may be computerized for personnel purposes in accordance with the Data Protection Act.
  6. I agree to abide by all the rules mentioned on all online policies
Madrasah Zeenatul Quran