Charity Begins at Home

  At Inter Aid UK and Madrasah Zeenatul Quran, we believe that charity begins at home, which is why Inter aid and Madrasah Zeenatul Quran at Home is always ready to help those in need throughout the UK. We're feeding the homeless, caring for the elderly, helping refugees, responding to emergencies throughout the country and doing everything we can to make the UK a safe and happy place to live for us all - but we couldn't do any of this without your generous support.

  We believe that charity should begin at home! Islam teaches us to look after our community and to care for our neighbours.

  The Messenger of Allah, (PBUH), said:
  "Jibril kept recommending me to treat my neighbour well until I thought that he would tell me to make him one of my heirs"(Bukhari: 6014).

  You can see our UK teams in action in the video. 

Madrasah Zeenatul Quran